Saturday, November 21, 2009

Weekly Photo Challenge #41

Hello, All,
I have not participated in far too long, I did take pictures for last week's, just forgot to put them up, so I might after this one, we'll see. Well, this week's photo challenge was "Thirds", and I don't really know what that means, but I'm supposed to crop the same picture 3 times, and use the idea of cutting the picture into thirds I presume. So That's what I'm doing. I just read the challenge today, actually about 8 minutes ago, so my opportunities were limited, but I took a picture of my sister's evil fat cat that clawed me in the leg yesterday. Made me bleed. Jerk. Hope you enjoy!


  1. Oh Josh you did a little no have a line going straight down your composition! At first I couldn't figure out if you had spliced two photos together or not. To make the red portion of the photo successful you almost need something breaking through that line and into the space.

    I think the middle crop works the best, it's a good example of the rule of thirds since the photo is quite obviously one third cat and two thirds red. I feel like there should be some sort of text on the right hand side...that red looks so deliberate like something else was meant to be there!

    It's so nice to have you back this week! Totally go ahead and post your photos from last week. If the MckLinky has closed let me know and I'll reopen it for you.


  2. haha, I knew it was not right, but he was crowding me as I was taking his picture, and I got as much of the wall (that's the red) as I could with him still being focused :-p I will try to post last week's photos tomorrow after work.

  3. hi, josh.
    sorry my cat was so mean to you.

    I agree with Diana that the line should not be there. But, well, animals do what they will, and sometimes, they get frustrated when you try to push them away, and then bring them closer. Poor thing is confused.
    But, back to the photographs. I really like the red part, though- maybe if the red went partially behind the cat, it wouldn't seem quite as awkward.
    the last one seems like it could be used as an advertisement at the top of a web page- and the red space would make sense for words.
    Anyway, I am really really glad that you posted this week!
    Love ya lots!

  4. Hey josh! glad you are back in the game. These are interesting....

    So, something about the three elements: the cat, the thin tan line and the red part actually work for me. They are interesting and my eye really likes them. Now, I agree with the others that you didn't totally nail this...however, I feel like you were on the verge of a totally awesome commercial image here. Like the others said, the red space would have totally been awesome for wording or logo or something. The second crop is the closest to working proportion wise to me. were so close on this one!!! Like I said, I feel like you were right on the verge with these but didn't quite get everything together to make a killer image. Keep it up. I can't wait to see what else you can do. I like that your eye caught the interesting combination of you just have to work on putting them together and making them work! I hope you keep posting.
